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Eagles Challenge Hole-in-One 2022


Marti Conner, President

Kids Matter International


$2,000,000 Eagles Challenge Hole-in-One Golf Tournament to Benefit Kids Matter


Southlake, Texas:  Golfers will have a chance to win up to $2,000,000 in cash and prizes at the Kids Matter International Eagles Challenge Hole-in-One Golf Tournament to be held on August 29th, 2022, at Timarron Country Club.


“This golf tournament is unique in that all 18 holes will be set up as a hole-in-one opportunity,” said Ron Gourley. “Each player will have one shot at each hole which will feature a $50,000 prize at each hole. The winner can take the prize or the cash value.  All hole-in-one winners, closest to the pin winners and randomly selected players will go to the 19th hole for a chance at $1,000,000!  The yardages have been set to a very doable 110 to 155 yards” said Gourley.


“We are so excited about this one-of-kind golf tournament. Not only will the golfers have the time of their lives, but the net proceeds will go to support the programs and services offered to children in need right here in Tarrant County,” said Marti Conner, President of Kids Matter. Every November, Kids Matter clothes over 2,000 children.   Each child has $100 to spend on new clothes which can be parlayed into $225 – 250 in new merchandise thanks to the discounts extended to them through KOHLS department stores.


Kids Matter International is a 501c3 nonprofit serving children who live in poverty.   The organization holds a Platinum rating (the highest awarded) through Candid, formerly GuideStar, which tracks the validity of nonprofits, financial transparency, governance, outcomes/results, and various other metrics of over 2,000,000 nonprofits nationally.  Less than ½ percent of nonprofits receive a Platinum rating.





Picture of Marti Conner, President
Marti Conner, President

Marti brings over thirty years of experience in marketing and strategic planning at an executive level, working with some of the largest for-profit and non-profit health care systems in the United States, including Cook Children’s Health Care System and Baylor Health Care System. Her expertise encompasses media and public relations, sales management, community and guest relations, telemarking, and research.

Marti has volunteered with Kids Matter for over seven years, in addition to Chairing the Marketing Committee and various fundraising activities for Kids Matter. She has always been a strong advocate for charitable work, previously working with Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas, First Friday Women’s Group, Project Hand-Up, Fort Worth Children’s Advocacy Center, and the Arthritis Foundation.