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Help us build a virtual library!

Help us build a virtual library!

We’re currently looking for volunteers to help us build a virtual library which will be featured on our website. The families we serve are at home due to COVID and to make things easier we want to create an online library for the children. To make this a success, we need your help.
What you can do: Video yourself reading a children’s book (include the title and author), email it to us at [email protected], and we will feature it on our website for the children to watch and read!
Here is an example video from a KOHL’s volunteer:

Picture of Marti Conner, President
Marti Conner, President

Marti brings over thirty years of experience in marketing and strategic planning at an executive level, working with some of the largest for-profit and non-profit health care systems in the United States, including Cook Children’s Health Care System and Baylor Health Care System. Her expertise encompasses media and public relations, sales management, community and guest relations, telemarking, and research.

Marti has volunteered with Kids Matter for over seven years, in addition to Chairing the Marketing Committee and various fundraising activities for Kids Matter. She has always been a strong advocate for charitable work, previously working with Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas, First Friday Women’s Group, Project Hand-Up, Fort Worth Children’s Advocacy Center, and the Arthritis Foundation.